What Are The Most Effective Methods For Grey Squirrel Control?
Grey squirrels can be a nuisance to homeowners, farmers, and other property owners. They can damage crops and gardens, cause structural damage to buildings, and compete with other species for food resources. Fortunately, there are effective methods for grey squirrel control that can help minimise these impacts.
First, we’ll look at preventative measures that can be implemented to reduce the likelihood of problem grey squirrels on your property. These include habitat modification and exclusion techniques to reduce access to food sources and potential nesting sites. Additionally, we’ll discuss active control methods, such as trapping or hunting, and lethal options, including poisons or fumigants.
Finally, we’ll consider how best to use these methods in an integrated pest management approach for long-term success in controlling grey squirrel populations on your property.
By understanding the different tactics available and learning how to combine them effectively into a comprehensive strategy, you can take steps to reduce the impact of problem grey squirrels on your land today.
How Can Grey Squirrels Be Humanely Controlled?

Humanely controlling grey squirrels can be achieved using various methods, including live capture trapping and professionally despatching individuals. Live traps are the most common way to humanely capture a grey squirrel. These traps should be checked daily to prevent non-target species from being trapped accidentally. Professional pest controllers can help to identify problem areas and advise on the best management practises for grey squirrels.
Cage trapping is another method that can be used to humanely remove problem animals from a specific area. Cage traps are often baited with food such as nuts or seeds and must be checked regularly to remove trapped animals quickly and not subject to prolonged distress or injury.
In summary, many methods are available for humanely controlling grey squirrel populations. However, professional advice should always be sought to make sure appropriate measures are employed for the particular situation.